Summer Roof Maintenance Tips
With summer well underway, it’s a good idea to consider how you can keep your roof in top shape before the harsh cold weather returns. As a Buffalo homeowner, roof maintenance is important to consider in the summer months. There are fortunately many easy and affordable ways to maintain your roof and prevent future concerns.
Here are some key maintenance tips to follow:
Trim overhanging tree branches
If you’ve never considered the role of landscaping in roof maintenance for your Buffalo home, you may be surprised to learn the importance of tree trimming in protecting your roof. Overhanging tree limbs can cause significant damage to your roof in the event of a major summer storm, potentially resulting in broken shingles, tiles, and even shattered skylights. Trimming tree branches will also help to keep your gutters free of leaves and branches, allowing the water on your roof to drain correctly and stay free of clogs.
Inspect your roof for moss, mold, and algae
In addition to causing an unsightly appearance on your roof, unwanted debris like mold and algae can wreak havoc on your roof’s structure. In severe cases, moss will hold on to water and cause a build-up of moisture that can result in rotting on your roof. Mold or algae, which is less abrasive to the roof, can be pressure-washed off your rooftop for permanent removal. To ensure pressure washing doesn’t cause damage to your roof’s structure, using a professional washing service is generally the best option.
Perform a basic inspection
Making a habit of regularly inspecting your roof can help you identify issues with your roof before they become costly, aggravating problems. From missing shingles to overall wear and tear, being aware of your roof’s condition – and seeking the right professional to assist if needed – will be instrumental to roof maintenance, especially if you have an older home. And, when in doubt, it’s best to call a professional roofer for a complete inspection of your roof’s condition. An experienced roofing pro will be able to determine any minor or major issues that may be lurking and make the best recommendations.
Are you in need of a professional roofing inspection? The trusted and reliable team at AVA Roofing in Buffalo can help. From roof maintenance to repairs, or full roof replacements, AVA Roofing can address all your roofing concerns this summer. Contact us directly at (716) 343-7663 to learn more!